The Virginia Torture House

Architectural Afterlife

A short story about a strange find.

During our explorations in Virginia, word surfaced between our group of the Virginia “torture house.”


Visually reminiscent of a Texas Chainsaw Massacre scenario, this house sits off the side of town, amidst the middle of almost nothing, tucked away from civilization surrounding. Two perfectly dark and dead trees sit on either side of this crumbling madhouse once used as a place for torture…or perhaps some type of painful enjoyment.

Since previous days, the home has been mainly cleaned out other than a few small items, but when friends of ours would explore this a year or so ago, they stumbled upon some wild things, thus dubbing it the torture house. They told stories of this home as they found it, and I will be retelling them. This house has a mysterious past.


Now, it could purely be the fact that this home…

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